Climate Change Litigation

VA Repeatedly Denies Claims for Camp Lejeune Toxic Exposure: Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2021 Might Help

For close to a century, the US army’s practice of storing toxic substances on or nearby its active bases across the country has exposed millions of troops stationed with their families to severe health hazards with lasting consequences. North Carolina’s Camp Lejeune is arguably the most infamous instance of widespread toxic contamination on US military installations, affecting soldiers and their loved ones located on the site for more than three decades until the issue was addressed. 

Climate Change Law Climate Change Lawsuits Climate Change Litigation Paris Agreement

Obligations of Private Enterprises Towards the Paris Agreement: The Landmark Decision of a Netherlands Court

This article analyses a judgment of a Netherlands court (that ordered a private company to comply with the objectives of the Paris Agreement) with special emphasis on the grounds on which the judgment has been delivered and its significance in the contemporary world. Written by Nabil Iqbal & Syeda Mehar Ejaz, law students from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India.

Climate Change Lawsuits Climate Change Litigation

Legal Action on Climate Change a ‘Global Phenomenon’

“Melting sea Ice at Pond Inlet, Nunavut, Canada” by GRIDArendal; licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Legal action on climate change is now a global phenomenon.