Guest Legal Blogging on Climate Change Law

Law Blogging Authorship Guidelines & Policy

Guest blogging on climate change law

We would be delighted to hear from anyone interested in contribute valuable legal updates (news, guides, blogs, intelligence, infographics or other information) in respect of climate change law.

And thanks very much to all who contributed so far.

Climate Change Guest Law Blogging

If you are a lawyer, law firm, legal professional or climate change commentator or expert and you want to share high quality legal intelligence, including useful legal knowledge and news, to wide audiences, here are some of the key things you should consider before submitting your post(s) for review by our moderators.

Editorial Guidelines for Blawg Submissions

  • Blawg posts should provide useful legal information, insights or news in respect of climate change. We aim to publish unique, high quality legal intelligence for our readers.
  • In particular, please do not promote your services throughout your post. Our aim is to educate and inform people.
  • Specify the governing law of your article where appropriate e.g. it may apply under Scots law or the laws of England & Wales or US law or the law of a certain State or other country. Climate change law is not (yet) global.
  • Blawg posts can be of any length but should ideally be over 500 words and there’s certainly no limit.
  • Original, unique posts are preferred.
  • Use subheadings where appropriate using the H1, H2 and H3 tagging functions.
  • Respect the copyright in the work of others.
  • Include video and images where relevant if you have the rights to use them.
  • Include links to authoritative sources to support your material.
  • Provide a short professional bio.
  • Share your post when published with your contacts through your social networks.

What We Do Not Publish

  • We do not publish blogs where the writer is posting only for overly self-promotional purposes or for SEO purposes.
  • We do not publish posts after getting spammed via email. We get inundated daily with many spam emails asking for such posts. This slows down the authorisation and moderation processes for all of our authors who genuinely want to share their blogs and information with us.
  • We do not publish generic articles unrelated to law and of no value to our readers. Our editors will tell you when your post is poor and please don’t email us repeatedly if we have rejected your submissions.

Other Law Blogging Authorship Policy Information

  • We reserve the right to reject any blog submitted on reasonable grounds e.g. the post was not on a relevant area of law.
  • We reserve the right to make changes to any blogs – Please do not be offended if we make or suggest amendments to your post. We will notify you of any major changes.
  • We may add internal links where helpful for readers.
  • Authors are permitted to republish their posts elsewhere – if so a link to the original post is preferred.

Any queries?

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch via LinkedIn.

Kind regards,

Gavin Ward

Climate Change Blawg