Climate Change Law Climate Change Legislation Climate Change Regulations

Will the Heat Networks Bill warm up the District Heating Sector in Scotland ?

The Scottish Government has committed to a 35% reduction in carbon emissions from heating domestic properties by 2032 and a reduction in carbon emissions from heating non-domestic properties of 70% by 2032. In this post, Solicitor and 2050 Climate Group volunteer Alex Irwin explains some of the significant challenges in decarbonising heat, a number of notable aspects of the Heat Networks Bill in Scotland and the need for more legislation pertaining to sustainable heat.

The carbon emissions from heating domestic homes account for around 13% of the UK’s annual carbon emissions. The carbon emissions from heating homes is comparable to the contribution of all petrol and diesel cars in the UK. 

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Is the Paris Agreement Legally Binding?

Since President Donald Trump formally began to withdraw from the 2015 Paris Agreement in 2019, the question of whether the agreement is legally binding has been up for debate.

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Welcome to Climate Change Blawg – Legal Updates & Insights on our Climate Crisis

Average global temperatures from 2014 to 2018 compared to a baseline average from 1951 to 1980, according to NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies; as per Wikipedia article on Global Warming here.

Welcome to Climate Change Blawg.

With 97% of climate scientists agreeing that human activity is causing a global climate crisis, it’s more important than ever before that the law helps us, and not hinders us, at this critical time.

Our mission is to share useful insights in respect of law and legal regulation in respect of climate change and hopefully to make a contribution in respect of changing and improving climate change law across the world.

Contributions from like-minded people welcome.

Global mean surface temperature change since 1880. Source: NASA GISS; as per Wikipedia’s article on the Global Temperature Record.